Article sections

    You can duplicate a page in ColibriWP using the Duplicate Post plugin.

    ColibriWP is fully compatible with the plugin. Although the name does not suggest it, this plugin can duplicate pages, too.

    In the WordPress Admin dashboard, go to Plugins -> Add New, in the left-hand menu.

    Type Duplicate Post in the search bar and search the plugin:

    Click Install Now. Then, click Activate.

    Go to Plugins -> Installed Plugins, to check if the Duplicate Post plugin has been correctly installed and activated.

    Then, go to Pages.

    You can view the complete list of pages in your website.

    Select the page you want to duplicate.

    Hover with your mouse over it and click on Clone, which you’ll find on the same row as Edit.

    After you have duplicated the page, click to Edit the new page. Give it a distinct name and click to Publish it.

    Then press Edit in Colibri.

    Once you are in the Customizer, you can edit elements in the new page.

    Please note that the original elements from the duplicated pages have their style linked with the ones from the original page, so for example if you modify the background of a column it will change on both pages. To avoid this you need to “unlink” them from the style tab:



    in Additional