Article sections

    After you’ve added the contact form in a section or a specific page of the website, go to the respective section/page in the site.


    Copy the link corresponding to that section and note it down, as you will need it further.

    Go back to the Customizer, and click on the button where you want the contact form to open in a lightbox.

    This will open the panel with customization options for that button.

    Under the Content tab, Button Properties, you’ll find an option to place a link onto the button. Fill in the blank space under Link, with the link you’ve copied from the contact section:

    Then, open the panel with option to open the link:

    • In the same window
    • In a new window
    • In lightbox

    Select to open the link in a lightbox.

    Select as Media Type: iframe.

    Click Publish and go to the page as it will be seen by users.

    To test if the contact form opens in a lightbox, click on the button you placed a link on:

    Contact form in a lightbox:





    in Additional